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Join the King of Prussia Ski Club today!

KOPSC general membership meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from September through April.  Check the Activities Calendar for details about how to join in.


Membership Application, 2024/2025


Benefits for Membership Cardholders

By being a member in KOPSC, you can take advantage of the club’s memberships in the Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council (EPSC), the Metropolitan New York Ski Council (MetNY), and the National Ski Council Federation (NSCF). EPSC and MetNY offer local benefits and discounts that can mean big savings for you, IF you have your current membership card with the current 2022-2023 EPSC/MetNY/NSCF logo printed on the back of the card. The big savings close to home are discounts at local ski and sport shops when you show your membership card. There are some major savings to be had in the discount lift ticket program as well as Council Appreciation Days. BUT BEWARE: the mountains – especially the ones in New England – are cracking down and may at any time ask to see your membership card and ID for each member with a discounted ticket. Be prepared. Benefits to NSCF membership are quite extensive – ranging from discounts on trip insurance to cell phones to European travel. Some of these vendors are located in the west (very handy on a western trip to get a pair of goggles at 20% off to replace the ones you left at home) while others are accessible via the internet. Details of the discounts available to you are on the NSCF website –


Check out the EPSC website ( and register as a KOPSC member to get your own personal password to access the Members-Only section. Note that some benefits may not be offered during the COVID-19 pandemic. And where, do you ask, do you get your membership card? You should have received it in the mail after joining or renewing your membership. If you have not received it, please contact Cheryl (see contact info below).



A Listserv mailing list is a private email discussion group, and ours is for KOPSC MEMBERS ONLY. You can use it to get last-minute updates on club-related activities. 




How to Join


Join one of the most exciting ski/sports/social clubs in the area. Whether you're a beginner or advanced skier/boarder – or even if you don’t ski at all – KOPSC offers something for everyone. We have group ski trips, fun membership meetings, Friday Socials, and all kinds of sports and social outings. Join us for hiking, biking, paddling, dine-arounds, wine tastings, birdwatching... the list goes on.


We offer individual and family memberships at very reasonable rates:


Individual              Family*

$35 (New)              $45(New)

$30 (Renew)          $40(Renew)


*Family is defined as cohabitating couples (spouses or domestic partners) and children aged 21   years or over residing at the same address.


To join, click the button for the membership application at the top of this page. Fill it out, sign it (ALL applicants in family membership must sign), make your check out to KOPSC, and send both to Membership Chair Cheryl Brokaw at the address on the application.


Our membership year runs from September1st through August 31st. New members who join after April 1st will be considered active members throughout the following membership year.


Cheryl Brokaw,          Membership Chair

Looney The Moose,  Assistant Membership Chair           -->>




You can also request more information with this form:

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How to Renew Your Membership


We now offer membership application and renewal online. For current members, renewing is a very simple process:


1. Click on the green Membership Application button to download a paper application, or the E-Membership Application button to renew online.

2. If you are renewing online:

  • Enter your name in the first member’s name field of the form (for family memberships, any of the first three members’ names will do), and select the appropriate membership renewal option.

  • Click on the “Verify My Info” button to review what is already in the system for you from the prior membership year. This step is highly recommended to verify that we have your correct information in our system. When you click on this button, you will select how you want to receive a verification code to authenticate yourself (first member’s mobile phone number or email address). Once you enter the code, the online form will be populated with all your information.




















  • Review your information and make any updates that are needed.

  • Sign, date and indicate agreement to terms and conditions. We now require ALL MEMBERS to read and agree to the Code of Conduct.

  • After completing the form, click the “Verify Fields” button to ensure that all necessary fields have been completed.

  • If all required fields are filled out correctly, click the “Submit” button and follow the directions to pay online.


3. If submitting your application by mail, complete the membership form, print, and sign it. You must indicate that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of membership, as well as the Code of Conduct. Mail your application, along with your check made payable to KOPSC to the address on the form.


If you are a joining online as a new member, follow steps 1 and 2 above. Fill in all required fields in the form and submit.


If you have any questions, please contact Membership Chair Cheryl Brokaw or Stephen Chrostowski for any E-Form questions.

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It’s Time to Renew!


This is to remind you that the time to renew your membership for next year is now. 


Also, if you have signed up for a ski trip but haven’t renewed your membership for 2024-2025, you must do so to be eligible to go on the trip, so why not do it now?


Please contact me if you have any questions.


Thank you,

Cheryl Brokaw


Benefits for Membership Cardholders
How to Join
List Serv Benefit
Contact Membership Chair
How to Renew Your Membership ​
It’s Time to Renew!


Web design & Webmaster Stephen Chrostowski

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