Updated 9/9/2024
A Listserv mailing list is a private email discussion group, and ours is for KOPSC MEMBERS ONLY. You can use it to get last-minute updates on club-related activities. Follow the directions below to sign up today!
Our website only gets updated every few days. So nothing is as timely as a message posted on the Listserv. In addition, you can post notices that normally wouldn't be accepted for the News Flurries page or the website such as:
Last-minute additions and changes in club events
A great offer for two free passes to a local mountain
Reminders about events that you can sign up for at the last minute
A last-minute cancellation on that ski trip you wanted to go on
The Cajun dancing lessons that people are going to on Friday night
Any questions regarding the Listserv should be directed to moderator Sue Hayes.
Here are answers to some of the more frequently asked questions:
My email is through my workplace – how can I be on the Listserv without receiving notices at work?
You can create a free personal email account through sites like Yahoo and Gmail. You can then register that email account on the Listserv.
Will I get multiple emails a day from being on the Listserv?
Typically, several notices per week are posted on our Listserv, so you won't get inundated with unwanted emails. You have the option of requesting that messages be sent in a daily digest. In addition, we've developed a usage policy to make sure our members aren't posting spam or other inappropriate messages. And yes, we're enforcing it.
How do I sign up?
To join our Listserv, first open a new email in the account through wish you wish to subscribe. Then send an email to kopsc+subscribe@googlegroups.com. Be sure to include your first and last name in the message text area so that the group moderator can verify that you are a current member of the ski club. If you are a new member, also include the approximate date you joined KOPSC. Once approved, you will receive a message containing information on how to use the Listserv.
How do I post a notice on the Listserv?
Using the email address that you used to sign up for the Listserv, simply send your notice to kopsc@googlegroups.com. The moderator will post the message for you. It will then go out to everyone who is a registered member.
How do I change my address on the Listserv?
To change your email address, unsubscribe your old address by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any Listserv post.. Then subscribe from your new address (follow the instructions above).
What kinds of messages are allowed on the Listserv?
Basically, your message needs to be “news you can use” – anything about an activity or event that the club membership might be interested in. Maybe you've got some skis you want to sell. Maybe you want to get a group together to go to a Sixers game. Maybe you want to let people know about a bike ride that's coming up. They should not be personal messages, spam, e-mail jokes, chain letters or political crusades. For more info, see our usage policy.
So what am I waiting for?
We don't have an answer for that one... sign up today!