Updated 1/6/2025
Check out photos from some past activities.
To see photos from a specific activity click on that activity below
To view the all of the photos or videos of an activity, select the given activity from the list on the left, then click the picture of that activity on the right. You can also scroll through each of the pictures for a given activity via the arrows or automatically via the circle arrow.
Note: The Switching of the picture may take a few seconds, and Videos will stop auto-play
100 out of 200
Upload your activity photos and videos here
Media just uploaded 0
CancerRide'17 | DSCF8111 | |
Lehigh Gap08-Edit | DSC_0634 | Shut up and ski |
Tubing | pic 5 | |
_GEN1263 | ||
20220122_153223 | ||
Photo Gallery Upload Instructions
For Photos and Videos
KOPSC members can now upload both their activity photos and videos to the photo gallery. They can be added either to an existing activity page or to a new activity page that will be created.
Both options require a valid member's email to be entered. The email is used for validation purposes. We will then send you a security code.
Creation of a New Activity Photos page
Select the New Activity option from the drop-down menu.
Enter the new activity name and select the year from the drop-down menu.
Press the Select Media button to select the photos and Videos. A maximum of 30 photos and Videos can be selected for each upload.
Upload the media to the system by pressing the UPLOAD Media button.
After the upload is complete, you can upload more photos or videos for the current activity just by repeating the two previous steps.
After each upload, both the photos and Videos can be reviewed in the picture frame. The image count will indicate the total number of photos uploaded.
When you are finished uploading, press the SUBMIT button, this will Save the items on the system, automatically create a photo page for that activity and add that activity to the activity list.
A REFRESH of the web page is also needed to complete the process.
Add photos and / or videos to an existing activity page
Select the Add Media option from the drop-down menu.
Select the Activity from the Activity list on the left or above on mobile . The active name and year will be automatically filled in and can not be modified.
Press the Select Media button to select the photos and Videos. A maximum of 30 photos and Videos can be selected for each upload.
Upload the Media to the system by pressing by UPLOAD Media button.
After the upload is complete, you can upload more photos or videos to the current activity just by repeating the two previous steps.
You can review all photos and videos for that activity in the picture frame after each upload.
When you are finished uploading, press the SUBMIT button, this will Save the photos on the system and add them to the photo page for that activity
A REFRESH of the web page is NOT needed to complete the process.
Reset Button
This button will reset the process, removing all the photos that were uploaded but not submitted
Any issues or questions email Stephen Chrostowski
Activity List |