Updated 1/6/2025
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be the King of Prussia Ski Club, Inc., King of Prussia, Pennsylvania; hereafter called King of Prussia Ski Club.
Article II - Purpose
The purpose of the King of Prussia Ski Club shall be to promote interest, enjoyment, and skill in the sport of skiing and to encourage the parti-cipation of its members in planned ski trips, social events, and activities.
Article III - Membership
Section 1
Membership in this club shall be open to persons twenty-one (21) years of age or older.
Section 2
The procedure for enrollment of members, the type of member-ship and club dues and fees shall be stipulated by the By-Laws.
Section 3
The total membership of this organization may be limited in number as stipulated in the By-Laws.
Article IV - Officers
The officers of the King of Prussia Ski Club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected annually and shall serve in accordance with the By-Laws.
Article V - Board of Directors
The government of this club shall be conducted by a board of directors which shall consist of:
The four yearly elected operating officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer).
The President from the previous year.
Two (2) elected Directors at Large (who are not operating officers).
Such Members at Large shall be elected at every other annual election of officers and in the same manner as provided for the election of officers. Said Members at Large shall have been club members in good standing for at least one (1) year prior to the year in which they are nominated and shall serve a term of two (2) years.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be one (1) of the Board of Directors and shall serve for a term of one year.
The Board of Directors shall appoint a corresponding secretary to meet all secretarial skills as required bye the Board of Directors.
Article VI - Committees
Committees to perform specified duties shall be provided in the By-Laws.
Article VII - Meetings
Meetings shall be conducted as specified in the By-Laws.
Article VII - Finance
Section 1
This club shall be a non-profit organization.
Section 2
Upon dissolution of this club, all property, both real and personal, after payment of all debts, shall be donated to the United States Olympic Ski Team.
Section 3
Members shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in behalf of the club, upon approval of the President.
Article IX - Amendments
Section 1
Amendments to the constitution may be voted upon only at a regularly scheduled meeting at which a Quorum is present. A Quorum is as specified in the By-Laws.
Section 2
Amendments shall be made upon and notice of the meeting at which the vote is to be taken shall be delivered to all members in good standing no less than one membership meeting prior to the time of voting.
Article X - By-Laws
The By-Laws shall be amended by the Board of Directors upon the approval of a majority of the Membership in Good Standing in attendance at the regularly scheduled meeting at which a Quorum is present.
Adopted this _____________________ day of _______________, 1973.
Revised this _____________________ day of _______________, 1983 to be effective January 1, 1984
Retyped December 27, 2004.
Article I Membership
Section 1
There shall be Individual and Family Memberships (renewal or new). Family Memberships shall be composed of cohabitating couples (spouses or domestic partners) and children aged 21 years or over residing at the same address. Every candidate for Individual Membership shall fill out and sign a membership application and submit it to the Membership Chair. Every candidate for a Family Membership shall be listed on and sign their common membership application and submit it to the Membership Chair.
Section 2
Membership dues will remain constant for the membership year; however, the Board of Directors may change the dues structure to become effective at the beginning of the next membership year by a majority vote of the full Board of Directors.
Section 3
The membership year shall be September 1 to August 31. Any member who has not paid their dues by December 1 shall have their membership discontinued.
Section 4
Revenue from sources other than membership dues may be raised or accumulated as determined by the Board of Directors; however, the Board of Directors shall not have the right to levy assessments on the members.
Article II General Membership Meetings
Section 1
There shall be regularly scheduled General Membership meetings of the King of Prussia Ski Club from September through April, and as designated by the Board of Directors. To the extent that official club business takes place at a General Membership meeting, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern procedures at said meeting(s).
Section 2
A quorum shall be defined as 20% of the membership in good standing.
Article III Election of Directors
Section 1
Election Procedure
Elections shall be conducted once a year at the April General Membership meeting.
At least two months prior, a Nominating Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The Chair shall recruit additional members of the Nominating Committee who (1) must be club members in good standing and (2) will not be running for board positions themselves.
The Nominating Committee shall select at least one (1) candidate for each open position. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the March General Membership meeting for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Nominations for the Members at Large must be made by the Board of Directors. All nominations shall be communicated to the membership prior to the election meeting.
The President shall appoint a Judge of Election (who will recruit two [2] assistants) for the purpose of conducting the election and the counting of the ballots.
Prior to the April General Membership meeting, the ballot form shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
At the April General Membership meeting, the Nominating Committee Chair shall read the nominations, and then the Judge of Election shall conduct the election.
The voting at the April General Membership meeting will be done by secret ballot. Absentee ballots of members in good standing will be accepted if received by the Judge of Election prior to the election and signed by the Member. The decision of the Judge of Election concerning acceptance or rejection of the ballots shall be final and exclusive.
A plurality of votes cast shall be required to elect each director. The Judge of Election and at least one (1) of the Judge’s assistants shall independently count the votes and jointly certify the election results.
Members of the Board of Directors for the new term shall assume the responsibility of their respective offices at the May Board of Directors meeting.
Section 2
Board Member Succession
In the event that vacancies occur in the elected offices, these procedures shall be followed:
Presidency – the Vice President becomes President for the remainder of the term of the president being succeeded.
All other vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the full Board of Directors not to exceed the term of the elected member(s) being succeeded.
Article IV Board of Directors
Section 1
The Board of Directors shall have control and oversight of all of the club’s operations.
Section 2
The Board of Directors shall meet at least once each month.
Section 3 (Hold)
Retain for future use
Section 4
A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of five (5) members.
Article V Committees
Section 1
The Board of Directors shall determine the number, size and purpose of all committees except for the standing committees.
Section 2
The standing committees shall be as follows: Ski Trip planning, Membership and Program.
Article VI Fiscal
Section 1
The Club’s fiscal year shall be from May 1 to April 30.
Section 2
The Treasurer’s books shall be reviewed at least once each fiscal year. The Board of Directors may order an audit at any time.
Article VII Resignation and Suspension of Board Members
Section 1
Resignation of Board members shall be tendered to the Board of Directors and shall be effective upon receipt.
Section 2
Any or all of the members of the Board of Directors may be subject to removal.
Section 3
Any or all of the members of the Board of Directors may be removed upon a 5/7 vote of the Board of Directors at a special meeting held for such purpose.
Section 4
Any or all of the members of the Board of Directors may be removed upon a 2/3 vote of the entire membership in good standing.
Section 5
The charges against any Director to be removed shall be presented to said person not less than ten (10) days prior to the date that the vote for the removal will be taken.
Section 6
Any person for whom removal is being considered shall have the opportunity to present witnesses and make arguments as he/she deems appropriate at the meeting or in another reasonable manner at which the question of removal shall be voted upon.
Section 7
The decision shall be final and recorded in the minutes of the next Board meeting.
Article VIII Amendments
Section 1
Proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors for consideration at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors.
Section 2
Proposed amendments approved by the Board of Directors for consideration by the general membership shall be presented to the Membership for consideration in accordance with the Constitution of the KOPSC.
Section 3
Proposed amendments not approved by the Board of Directors may be submitted to the general membership and passed only upon the approval of a majority of the membership in good standing.
Revised August 13, 2016 and approved by the general membership of King of Prussia Ski Club on September 20, 2016